Happy Customers

Based on 211 reviews

I was really surprised how well this product works!! It's super easy to use and will be a new go-to product for me.

Easy. Convenient. Affordable. definitely one of the best purchase of the year.

I love that it is easy to hold. Cleanup is a breeze. My legs have never felt so smooth. Goodbye razors, razor bumps and shaving! I wish I would’ve found fade sooner! Highly recommend !

Really easy to use, and not too harsh on the skin. Great for people with sensitive skin!

It takes a little bit longer than shaving with a razor, but it does actually work and there’s no razor cuts

When I received this item I immediately started to use it, at first I didn’t know how to use it but then I got a hang of it and it also really took my arm hair off.

At first I thought it was going to damage my skin but after following the instructions and using it carefully, my skin has never felt so soft before! I absolutely love this and I’ve been recommending it to everyone.

I am pregnant and have been getting bad razor burn, this helps so much! Easy to use and not painful at all.

It works and It’s very easy to use.. I use it on my arms and legs. Strongly recommend it

I was quite surprised to see it work after reading the reviews online about it saying it doesn't. You just have to be patient and gentle, and you'll get smooth and hairless skin 😊

Rubs the hair right off! So soft and totally painless. Can’t believe how affordable this is and it’s reusable!

It works amazingly you just have to make sure you follow the directions so you do not damage your skin and hydrate it. But it’s easy to use and was worth the money.

loving it at first sight! Its very easy to use. just rub clockwise and boom, the hair is gone! much better than having to shave during shower

This was amazing! I feel like maybe my leg hair was not long enough but after I wet the crystal hair remover and then used it on my fine hair left on my legs it worked so much better!

It's easy to use if you follow the instructions. It has a nice texture. It looks exactly like the photo. It is very effective in exfoliating the skin and removing fine hair. Recommend to buy ☺️

I tired this and it was so easy to use! Totally took the hair off and left my skin feeling smooth. The customer service representative said I could use it on calluses so I tried and was pleasantly surprised. I highly recommend to use this for hair removal. I’m letting all my friends know.

A wonderful product that was first introduced to me by a friend. I was really surprised that my leg hair was so clean. It's a great product and I'm very happy with it. :)

I really like this option as opposed to shaving - I haven't tried it on areas other than my legs the effect is similar with shaving but the skin is very smooth afterwards. very satisfied with this purchase!

It’s easy to grip, did not cut up my skin, removed the hair and exfoliated my skin so it’s extra soft. This is something I can do in bed which is also a huge bonus.

Highly highly highly recommend!

love love love!

Remember to be gentle. Take your time when working under your arms, allowing the process to spread out and your skin to rest.

As another tip, I've found that circular motions are important and of course patience. Your skin stays soft and smooth, and the more you keep up with it, the less work you do!

It was really good to come across this product! Will buy again and recommend.

I bought this product without a second thought, just had a look and it worked amazingly! At first, I thought it had no effect, but when I noticed it, my hair was falling out! I didn't see any hair loss anywhere, not much on the crystals, but the hair was definitely gone. I also smoothed out the chicken skin on my legs. It's like a magic eraser!

This thing fits almost perfectly in one hand. Works well as long as you apply the right amount of pressure. If you're looking for a callus remover, exfoliated skin, or light hair removal, I definitely recommend this product.

This hair eraser rubs everything off. Hair, dirt, dead skin cells. It works on my face too. I am tired of shaving and using hair removal creams. Use gentle circular motions and watch your hair disappear. I am so happy to have found this. I will recommend this to all my friends.

Try on my arms and legs. Love it. use as maintenance purposes. no pain, no shaving cream needed. I love their services too. Very kind and responsive seller.

Well, no more waxing appointments! This hair eraser is a great tool! Painless and effective like crazy!!! I love it! ! ! ! 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍